
Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome With Acupuncture

There are studies that show that one in five adults suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). This kind of medical and health condition intervenes with a person's daily life. It is because of a person's inability to function well. In fact, it even affects his personal and work life. With this, it is important to resolve and treat chronic fatigue as soon as possible. CFS is actually known as the Crohn's Disease. It is evident that a person has CFS when for at least six consecutive months, he feels tired or fatigued all the time.

CFS impacts young and adult alike. The different types of symptoms that person may experience recur from time to time. Presently, there has been no direct and actual medication for CFS. Prescription drugs and pills may have temporary relief but in the long run they caused more harm than good to a person. Hence, the treatment is not a long lasting relief. However, there are some people who choose Traditional Chinese Medicine such as acupuncture treatment for a faster and more effective relief.

Complete Healthcare With Acupuncture

Changed lifestyle, eating habits, and stress leads to Diabetes, Thyroid, kidney and liver diseases, and almost every family now a days is suffering from any of these diseases. Ancient medicinal techniques like Ayurveda and acupuncture can help us treat these disorders in a reasonably less time and with much easier than conventional medicinal practices.

Diabetes, Kidney diseases, Liver disorders, blood pressure and Thyroid diseases are the ones which have to be taken more seriously of all the major diseases in the world. Acupuncture can be used to treat these disorders effectively as explained below:

This is caused if a gland named pancreas does not produce Insulin or our body does not absorb the produced Insulin. Symptoms may include excessive urination, high thirst, excess hunger, weight loss, eye problems etc.

Acupuncture Can Cure Chronic Pain

Acupuncture, in ancient China and in many parts of East Asia, is considered as an alternative medicine. It can cure arthritis, shoulder pain, knee pain, neck p`in and many types of health ailments.

Because of the odd procedure or process of Acupuncture, people become hesitant for seeking this type of remedy. However, Acupuncture has been around for hundreds of years and is considered as Chinese Medicinal cure for body or health issues. Its process is so natural that it does not depend on modern medicine or pills but instead uses natural means in order to provide therapeutic energy and flow into a person's body, which allows it to heal its ailments and massage its way through. This practice is also done by Western parts of the country.

However, Westerners have different perspective of a human body. For them, the body is just a physical mass and what they see is just a shape of a human body.

Acupuncture Therapy Treating Various Illness and Pains From Past 3000 Years

It said that medical world is practicing acupuncture therapy for about 3000 years. The acupuncture treatments are based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that recognized a subtle energy system circulating through the body. It can be referred as the channel that feeds, nourish, and sustain substances like blood through the circulatory system.

This energy system relates as Qi circulating energy in body. When the Qi system is blocked, the body suffers Illness and disease. Acupuncture therapy restores flow of energy circulation by inserting needles into the acupuncture points. These insertions clear all residing blockages and help to restore the energy circulation in the body.

Acupuncture therapy help cure pains, illness and diseases such as chronic pain and headaches, acute injury-related pain (strains and sprains), digestive disorders, cardiovascular conditions, muscle and nerve conditions, addictive behaviors, gynecological disorders, chemotherapy and radiation side effects, stroke rehabilitation, autoimmune conditions, HIV support therapy and so on.

Is Acupuncture An Effective Treatment For Knee Pain?

Knee is the largest joint in a human body and is made up of the lower bone, which is the femur and the higher bone, which is the tibia. Without the knee, there will be no part of the body that will support our feet and legs. Thus, it is important that you take care of your knee to avoid injuring or risking your whole body. However, if you experience it now such as knee pain, assess and resolve it quickly so that you will be able to save your feet and legs and also perform your day-to-day activities.

Knee pain is not easy to cope with. It causes you discomfort, low self-esteem and unproductiveness. Negative results would put a huge impact on you especially if you do not resolve this pain quickly. There are many causes of knee pain such as muscle cramps, injuries and aging. This type of pain embraces different people from children to adult. Studies even show that over 11,000 people consult a physician in his office due to knee-related problems. However, this can be resolved.

Acupuncture Is A Considerable Choice To Treat Knee Pain

The largest joint in the human body is actually the knee. It is composed of the lower bone, which is known as the femur, and the upper bone, which is referred to as the tibia. It is vital to take care of the knee for the reason that the knee is the only part of the body that supports the feet and legs. But, there are times that knee pain happens accidentally. In such a case, it is important that there is a quick treatment and remedy on hand in order to resolve and ease the pain and discomfort.

There are countless people who experience knee discomfort. This kind of pain is not that easy to handle. In fact, the pain in the knee is not the only effect that a person feels. He also suffers from real and physical discomfort, low self-esteem and even unproductiveness. In order to understand knee pain better, it is essential to know a number of causes of pain and discomfort in the knee. These causes include muscle cramps, injuries and also aging. Knee discomfort is felt by almost every one from children to adult. However, there is an effective and direct remedy to pain the knee.

What Can Acupuncture Do For You?

Acupuncture relieves you and your body from pain since it is considered as a natural and traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine that can eliminate some, if not, all of your body pain and stress. In fact, it can prevent bad or negative flow of energy from entering into your body. Proper needles are inserted on proper acupoints on your body to regulate and balance the flow of qi, also known as chi. This qi enables your body points to eradicate the negative blockage of your chi so that a clear pathway of your positive energy will eventually flow properly. Moreover, with this qi, balanced circulation of the 12 points in your qi will be properly regulated. These points are also called meridians. These meridians will ease and even improve the flow of energy in your body.

In addition, one of the main points of Acupuncture involves stimulating and regulating the healing energy and power in your body that will help you perform what you need to do. In fact, this will improve your health and reduce health problems. You will eventually enjoy a health living. In addition, you will be able to do what you need to do in order for you to accomplish what you need to achieve for that day.

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine - Controlling High Cholestrol the Natural Way

You've probably seen those commercials for cholesterol medications, typically statin drugs, which discuss the ways that you might develop high cholesterol in the first place. You know, the ones that show a piece of food that might contribute to high cholesterol and then show a photo of a family member who has an uncanny resemblance to that food. I, for one, would never want to have my photo compared to a deviled egg and find a strange similarity but the commercial gets its point across in a memorable way. High cholesterol and hyperlipidemia are often connected to two different things: dietary choices and genetics. However, statin drugs are not your only weapon. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can be used in combination with smart dietary choices to decrease cholesterol levels in the body and either delay medication usage or decrease reliance on it.

Hyperlipidemia is a term that refers to an elevated level of lipids, or fats, in the blood plasma. The lipids are transported to areas around the body by different proteins and these proteins are the ones that anyone with high cholesterol is familiar with.

Truthful Benefits Of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been around for thousands of years. There are actually numerous people who do not know about acupuncture as an alternative medicine. On the other hand, there are some people who are familiar with this alternative medicine but are hesitant to try it because of fear. Acupuncture therapy uses needles that target specific points of the body. This alternative medicine has been tried and tested and has showed positive results in addressing various medical ailments and health conditions.

Acupuncture is an effective treatment and remedy for chronic and acute pain. These two major concerns have plagued countless people. They hinder a person's work and personal life. Chronic and acute pain may include arthritis, abdominal discomfort, neck and back pain and others. Acupuncture actually puts an end to these various pain and discomfort. The acupuncture needles that are used in the therapy actually trigger the body's natural healing properties. As a result, the body gets the healing and relaxation that it severely needs.

Acupuncture Healing Success

The first known and recorded therapeutic success of traditional Chinese medicine that soon became one of China's achievements was during the extremely effective interval of war from different states and countries. According to the history of China's, a physician named Pien Cheuh used acupuncture to treat a Governor of the State of Kuo. The acupuncture treatment with the use of natural herbs has revived the governor from a severe coma. Soon, the physician was then awarded with prestige. In ancient China and up to these days, this celebration is considered in favor of the support, acceptance and popularity of any form of treatment.

How Does Acupuncture Work According to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Science?

Through scientific experiences and natural encounters, the use of such particular factors like pressure points on the epidermis of our skin were proven to be of great help and value in treating particular illnesses.